Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Apply to serve on the 2007 Student/Farmworkers Alliance Steering Committee


Want to be a part of the leadership of one of the most dynamic youth & student movements in the U.S.?

Apply to serve on the 2007 SFA Steering Committee!

Check out the description of Steering Committee responsibilities at If you still have questions, feel free to contact the SFA staff in Immokalee or any of the members of this year's Steering Committee. Our contact information is listed at If you feel comfortable with the responsibilities and would like to apply, fill out the application below and email it to no later than Friday, October 6, 2006. The current Steering Committee ( will announce its selections by Friday, October 27; new terms begin in November.

Thanks for your support!

In solidarity,
Student/Farmworker Alliance



School (if applicable):
Year of graduation:
Mailing Address:

Optional - Do you identify as a person of color, woman, working
class, immigrant, differently-abled, and/or LGBTQ?

Please answer the following questions in three to six sentences.

1. What have you done to further the work of SFA and CIW?

2. What other work have you engaged in that you feel is relevant to SFA?

3. What are your goals for SFA? What is working well now? What should be improved?

4. What kind of organizing projects would you like to undertake as a Steering Committee member?

5. Anti-racism and a systemic analysis of power is central to SFA's work. How would you build upon this commitment as a Steering Committee member?

6. In what ways do you see yourself as accountable as a Steering Committee member and how will you hold yourself to that standard?

7. Are you able to make the time commitment (a minimum of 5-10 hours per month) and fulfill the fundraising commitment ($500 over the one-year term) necessary for serving on the Steering Committee?

8. What motivates your dedication to the work of CIW and SFA?

Student/Famworker Alliance is a national network of youth and
students organizing in solidarity with farmworkers to eliminate
sweatshop conditions and modern-day slavery in the fields. We work
in partnership with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), a
membership-led organization of mostly Latino, Haitian, and Mayan
Indian low-wage immigrant workers in Southwest Florida. Together we
won the Taco Bell Boycott in 2005. Visit
Marc Rodrigues
Student/Farmworker Alliance
(239) 292-3431


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