Saturday, September 02, 2006

On Working With White People (by Max Julian)

(from the Free Slave by Max Julian)

On Working With White People

Is it possible to work with white people on the liberation of non-white people? More and more I am skeptical. Whites are addicted to being boss - male and female alike. They suffer expert mind. Check 'em out; when a conflict or disagreement erupts, their default is "you're a nigga and I'm not. I KNOW what I'm talking about. You are an irrational, angry spearchucker!" They were suckled on racism/white supremacy in their mother's womb. AND Amerikkka is merely an extension of that womb for the nurturing of the same R/WS. Whites don't get this. The majority don't want to see the forest for the trees. NOT can't; DON'T want to. Its a highly sophisticated game they play. I'm your friend, I really, really care about you. Brotha/Sista their words play, NIGGA, their actions say. For some whites, black folks need to have more compassion for the beast who has sent generation after generation to an early grave. If niggas would only love them enough or listen to them enough, they'll figure out that they don't have to slaughter non-whites across the globe. Hattie McDaniel, where are you when we need you most?! Whites - even the most liberal - are also addicted to maintaining white supremacy, or at least hooked on keeping the booty they've gotten ONLY BECAUSE THEY ARE WHITE. How do I know this? Because the prescriptions they always prescribe for OUR freedom never rise to the level of the DISEASE. They prescribe aspirin for metastisized bone cancer. In point of fact, they prescribe a placebo - a meaningless series of remedies that don't heal OUr problem AT ALL. But, it does heal their problem. In order to NOT know ("Thou Shalt Not Be Aware," Alice Miller), they create activities that feign action, that appear directed toward "freedom" or "change," but that actually tighten the noose tighter around the throat of non-white people. "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" is one form of insanity; it is also the perfect strategy to avoid doing what is NECESSARY to change things. ('Winners do what they have to do; losers - and white folks - do what they want to do') Losers, or people who only want to appear like they are doing something - do the same thing. And nothing more. Ward Churchill called out all these liberal/progressive poseurs in "Pacifism As Pathology." Every so called lefty should read this book before they holla back at me, cuz he says the same thing only he said it first and better. Can white people work with niggas? And, will that work be about liberation, or cleasnsing the conscience of the guilt-ridden white person? I'm always suspicious of the white person who makes a grand display about how much they FEEL our pain. No, start feeling our pain by sacrificing something beyond tears and shoe leather for freedom and justice. I hear John Brown wretching in his grave.


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