Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Power of NO! An Interview with Black Lesbian Filmmaker Aishah Shahidah Simmons

The Power of NO!

An Interview with Black Lesbian Filmmaker Aishah Shahidah Simmons
By Tamara K. Nopper

It has taken rape and incest survivor, activist, and filmmaker Aishah Shahidah Simmons 11 years to complete her documentary NO!, which chronicles rape and healing within the African American community and relates this violence to white supremacy, slavery, sexism, and homophobia. Now that the film is finished, Simmons faces her next hurdle: getting NO! out to the public and navigating the politics of distribution. Although getting institutional support for a film is a normal challenge for any director, it is even more challenging for Simmons because NO! does what many films don’t: centralizes Black women’s experiences and analyses. Clamor talks to Simmons about this process.

In this interview we touch upon trying to get work out in film festivals, racism and liberal Hollywood, politics of talking about women in hip hop, and the power of naming one's own cultural and political community.


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