Wednesday, September 13, 2006

First Across-Borders Encounter-The Other Campaign (Tijuana, Baja California)

First Across-Borders Encounter-The Other Campaign

The organizations, groups, collectives and individuals from both sides of the US-Mexico border who are part of the National Campaign with the Other Politics for a National Program of Leftist Struggle and for a New

Constitution (The Other Campaign), call to friends and adherents and sympathizers of the 6th Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle, to laborers, youth, indigenous people, those in social struggle, intelectuals, artists and all those out there who identify with struggles from the left and from below to participate in the First

Across-Borders Encounter, taking place in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico, on the 15, 16 and 17 of September, 2006.

During the last few years we have contemplated with indignation how our country rapidly deteriorated in practically all areas: the political class was entrenched in a struggle for power and privilege, meanwhile

people are hungry, abused and have had their most elemental civil rights violated; the captains of finance, industry and commerce have tried to steal more and more of the nation, sacrificing and pillaging the unprotected classes, the workers, the women, the students, the children, the elderly, having aligned with foreign capitalists without care for the community.

Innumerable events past and present -- Oaxaca and Atenco are tragic examples - demonstrating on different levels that the government of Mexico sees it easier to strike than to dialogue, to repress than to negotiate, and more comfortable to abuse women rather then confront their adversaries with reason.

We, conveners of the First Across-Borders Encounter of the Other Campaign, repudiate all the practices that privilege violations of all kinds of powerful people that from above rule against those from below, and not by coincidence, those from the left.

These are the very reasons in which we make this initiative in the form of an Encounter of dialogue and action, and as part of the assumed compromise with our brothers and sisters, of country and heart that form part of The Other Campaign.

We hope that the organizations and people that create the struggle concretely for peace, democracy, justice, independence, dignity and the liberty of Mexico unite with us in these workshops in which, not in vain, we remember with respect, the past men and women who gave foundation and future to our nation, being one of the fundamental reasons to be part of this, a very Other Campaign.

For More Information:

In Tijuana, BC call: 01 664 685 04 00/ 01 664 683 03 60/ 622 42 69

In Southern California call: [323] 854-2060; [626] 806-4686;

[714] 381-6305; [818] 502-9093, [805] 890-9792.

Via Email:


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