Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Clarifying in Order to Move Forward: One Hundred Days Into the Oaxaca Commune, a Successful Assault on Power is Possible (Por Esto)

Clarifying in Order to Move Forward
One Hundred Days Into the Oaxaca Commune, a Successful Assault on Power is Possible

By Alberto Hijar
Por Esto!
September 9, 2006

Brutal, forced globalization and the downfall of Soviet and European socialism demand the deconstruction of historical power blocs. In Mexico, the defeat of the Institutional Revolution Party (PRI in its Spanish initials) forms part of the corporately legitimized political and economic liquidation of the so-called welfare state. The Party of the Democratic Revolution’s (PRD’s) losses, like those of the rest of the Euro-communist nationalist and statist socialist leftist parties, are not absolute. Rather, they are socially maintained by the hope of winning the Presidency accompanied by corresponding parliamentarian, state, and municipal representation, where grassroots social organizations faced with unprincipled political backdoor maneuvering don’t fit.

Politics of exclusivity, where a negotiator class operates on behalf of the state with its back to the people, reduces the place of the people to the identity offered by the leadership of nationalist state power. Self-governing and autonomous popular power is reduced to marginality and precariousness.



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